Fear of the unknown

Fear. It’s a powerful motivator. It can be good or bad. It can inspire us like a dog does a rabbit (thank you 21p) or it can freeze us like a deer in headlights. It sharpens our senses gives us new strength or leaves us with regret of the action we could have done. How …


It can be hard to do. When I sit still in the mornings to meditate, I have to remind myself to let go sometimes. Living in crisis mode can challenge you whether crises are external or self-generated. Be more productive, take time to meditate, get clear, and enjoy life more. When I sit still in …


Multiple ancient texts state our purpose is to work. We create, we lead, we celebrate taking care of things under our influence. Be present in this moment, know yourself, and let go of distractions and baggage. Make time and work here sacred by aligning it with your who you are. Most of us started working …