
Multiple ancient texts state our purpose is to work. We create, we lead, we celebrate taking care of things under our influence. Be present in this moment, know yourself, and let go of distractions and baggage. Make time and work here sacred by aligning it with your who you are. Most of us started working …


Psychology Today says addiction is when a person uses a substance, or engages in a behavior, for which the rewarding effects provide a compelling incentive to repeat the activity. I’ve had both good and bad addictions. Are your behaviors building or destroying your future? It comes in many forms. A person can be addicted to …

Things are not what they seem.

Reality is based on our experiences. It is shaped by family, friends, and societal influences. Putting distance between ourselves and our past doesn’t equate to healing. The Creator set the game up to require participation. Ignore healing at your own risk. Do the work. The longer we ignore the impact of the past the more …