
Who am I? It’s a simple question but like most things there are a great deal of facets to the response. Who am I in which context? Am I always the same person? Who am I really? Am I this body? This physical form that contains my essence. Maybe I’m what I do. We have …


When I was younger, I was full of zeal. Unknowingly, I was judgmental and compassionless in many instances. I remember people that I hurt unintentionally because though I was sincere in my beliefs, without compassion, they often landed like bricks. With the pursuit of truth this can happen easily. Sincere in our pursuit we often …


We find comfort in the habits that we develop in our lives. A warm drink in the morning or a familiar route we collect many routines over time. I decided to reboot my morning recently . It was time to reorder my life for optimal performance. It started with going to bed early. I had …